Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Heavens and Earth

Today, as usual, I had 30,000 things to do when I got home from work to get ready for my next "career" in Argentina. I have been telling people that I want to learn (again) how to live in the moment and enjoy this process, but I've not been doing so well. I love to brag about how many things I have to do, hoping that people will feel sorry for me and also think I'm a hard worker. Well, two things have happened. One, people have been offering to help me, which means that I need to start taking them up on their offers. Two, I was taking a walk today (trying to trust God that the 20 minutes away from "doing" wouldn't lead to a catastrophe), and I saw the beautiful sky. As I started praising God for being the creator of the heavens and earth, I realized in a new way how utterly ridiculous it is for me to worry about my to-do lists and piles. I mean, the creator of the heavens and the earth is in charge of my life and is guiding and directing this process. It was that same all-powerful being's idea in the first place for me to go to Argentina, after all.

I started thinking about the way that God has brought all of this about in my life: a desire to be a physician as a child, then coming to peace in God, learning to love and serve God and other people, working with emotional and spiritual healing, learning about development through programs at a homeless shelter, a call to medical school, contacts with missionaries , work with immigrants to keep my desire for international work alive. And now an opportunity to work in a holistic ministry, helping people become whole physically, spiritually, emotionally, socially and vocationally. Wow. And I focus on my to-do list?
P.S. The picture above was taken by my friend Mike. It's one of the many gorgeous photos he took of the sunset while we were deployed on a humanitarian mission in the Philippines last June.