Wednesday, July 16, 2014

From gazebos to clean water to parties to growing churches!

Much of our funding for 2014 has come from the organization World Challenge.  Most funds are spent on training, but we also sometimes support community projects or provide funds for events to encourage our volunteers.  Here are just two stories that I received in July:

Shelter and benches that were built for meetings and trainings in La Planj
Before the CHE program started in La Planj we had lots of difficulties, especially with our water. The water was really in a bad state and a lot of people suffered from typhoid, intestinal worms, and cholera. We were not well-informed about what was happening. When the CHE program came, because of the good training they brought and the way we applied the principles, well, everyone worked together to clean the water sources and protect the springs. Now the water isn't wasted (by falling on the ground) and the animals cannot put their bacteria in the water. Everyone is so happy because they have good water to use. In the name of the CHE program we thank you for your help with the gazebo we now meet under (completed in 2014) as well as the improvement of our water source (completed in 2013). To the supporters of World Challenge we say think you. We hope that God will protect you and your communities. We will always remember you in our prayers. Thank you so much. – Borgella Lucile, secretary of the La Planj CHE committee

Mother's Day party in Grand Ravine:  CHEs, committee members, and community members were present
We had 32 community health evangelists (CHEs) in Grand Ravine, but some of them had stopped being active in the program. This Mother's Day party (given with World Challenge funds) was important because it showed those CHEs what they were missing out on, what we were giving to the people with our trainings. Also, there were others who came and were interested in the CHE program who now want to be trained. The CHE program is very important – since it started in Grand Ravine four years ago the community is different. Spiritually, the churches in the area have more people and more evangelism is done. There were 100 people in my church before CHE and now there are 150! Every Tuesday they go out in groups and evangelize. – Vitalus Victales Wilnique, trainer in Grand Ravine