Last weekend some friends came over and we watched "Grosse Point Blank." I started thinking how fabulous it would be if John Cusack were to become a Jesus-follower, not just so that he would be fulfilled and at peace but so that we would be spiritually compatible when we got together. I googled him today and read an interview by a female reporter who was ga-ga over him. I then realized -- after four days, mind you! -- that I was not the only woman to find him intriguing.
I did the same thing with the lottery in December 2003. In the summer of 2004 I was to start a three-year scholarship payback, practicing family medicine with the underserved. I loved working with the underserved, but was not so wild about family medicine with the attendant paperwork, running late between patients, multiple insurance carriers, etc. I realized that if I won the lottery, I would then be able to pay off the federal government and do whatever I wanted. I could do missions work without having to raise support, provide osteopathic manipulative treatments to homeless people in various inner cities, all while having my very own indoor lap pool and personal chef. I actually bought a ticket for the lottery and believed that I would win, simply because the idea had occurred to me.
I suppose there are several morals to this tale, but I'm not up for waxing philosophical right now -- I'm off to rent "Say Anything."
I got the above photo from http://search.creativecommons.org/ It is by someone named Erica and is entitled: John Cusack's Disembodied Head Stops to Smell the Hydrangeas.