Maria Teresa shares her group's thoughts on relief vs. development.
A small group separates different statements of belief into "Biblical" or "non-Biblical" in a lesson on worldview.
We had a vision seminar at the La Lucila Baptist Church on Saturday. We had a great turn-out despite the date being chosen poorly for two of the churches we had originally intended to have come. They were holding other critical trainings that day, so we are re-scheduling with them. There were 19 people plus the four of us who facilitated the training, and once again they came from several churches including the host church which is already committed to using our tools and beginning to plan the first Training of Trainers (TOT).
Gaby led a session for the first time, which is great practice since as one of our trainers for Baradero she will be teaching the future CHEs in this style. We use a participatory technique designed for adult learners and those with little formal education, called LePSAS. This acronym stands for:
- Learner-centered: encourages everyone to contribute to the discussion, facilitator stays at the same level as the participants.
- Problem-posing: uses a single, specific, solvable problem to start discussion.
- Self-discovery: the learner discovers a portion of the answer to the problem.
- Action-oriented: the participants come up with a specific solution for the problem posed.
- Spirit-guided: inward transformation is needed before permanent outward behavior can occur.
Even though this group was well-educated (most with a high school degree and some with college or advanced degrees) this technique makes for fun, interesting interaction which leads to practical results.