Sunday, September 21, 2008

Happy first day of Spring!

This post will be brief as it's after 1 am already and there's been some lack of sleep in my life for over a week now. I've been traveling in Cordoba and Baradero and then the Delta, and I've got some great pictures I hope to post soon.

Tonight I'll just write about today. Ezekiel is an 11-year-old boy who came to an children's event at church a few weeks ago and has been enthusiastically coming to church ever since. I met him that first Sunday since he rode to church with Bill and Annie and me. This Sunday we rode to church together again and then after Sunday School went out to Maximo Paz, a campground, to celebrate the first day of Spring. This is a big event here and is also called "Students' Day." There were about 3000 young people at the campground. Bill and Annie had lots to do, so I hung around with Ezekiel. He eventually found a group of people who would let him join their soccer game, and I'm no expert but think he's really good. In one of our conversations he was explaining the school system, and mentioned that after high school there's college but he wasn't going to go. I asked him why and he said that he was going to be the goalie for River (one of the top two Buenos Aires rival soccer teams)! :-)

He asked me to photograph him while he played, and at the end of the day asked if I would print some of the photos and be sure to include one of myself (make me cry!). The Sinatra tune, "I fall in love too easily" is going through my head, but I have just met so many adorable kids here. Ezekiel is living with his great-aunt and some cousins. I don't know what the rest of his family situation is like, but I do know that he is a precious child of God and I had a wonderful time playing "Auntie" today.