Monday, September 1, 2008

Spring has sprung!

Going out to the Delta on Saturday it was obvious that spring is here -- the weeping willows have beautiful light green leaves coming out and there are more flowering plants and trees than before. Winter was still relatively green here, though -- the hibiscus and bougainvillea stayed flowering and the eucalyptus trees keep their leaves.
An ideal moment in the Delta -- the older kids helping the younger ones. The latest youngster to come to the feeding center is little Alex, 20 months old. Of course, ideally they would actually be eating this lunch at home with their families, so we've got a ways to go to see lasting development rather than relief projects here.

Little Kevin (no longer the "baby" at the feeding center) and Erica, with whom I put together some puzzles.

This is Anne, who went to high school with my supervisor's husband back in Nova Scotia! She stayed with me this past week and took the photos of the kids you see above. She's off traveling for awhile but will be back this week.