It was in the high-90s and humid most days, so we worked in their outdoor eating area a few times. Here is Sulma serving mates:
Friday, February 6, 2009
Thirty-some hours after leaving home I arrived in Apolinario Saravia in the province of Salta. On the way I had a nice layover in the town of Guemes, also in Salta. Here was my view from the Guemes bus station.
I was there to work with Sulma, a grade-school teacher who is one of our trainers in the nearby village of Burela. Her sister and brother-in-law, our other local trainers, had to move indefinitely to another province due to family issues, so we were meeting to work on creating a new local team of trainers and plan their next steps.
It was in the high-90s and humid most days, so we worked in their outdoor eating area a few times. Here is Sulma serving mates:
We walked to Burela, which must be about 5 kilometers away since it took us close to an hour. On the way we saw some kids playing soccer in the shallow river, a great way to stay cool!
Here I am crossing the river:
In my latest newsletter you'll see other pictures of the Burela library, built as a (super-sized) seed project by the community last year. They were able to get a donation of five computers which enabled them to take advantage of a provincial training program in basic computer skills for adults. In addition, since the village nurse is one of the library's caretakers an interesting side business has developed -- donated medicines are sold at the library under her watch (with prescription only and with the donors consent).
One day a storm started with gusting wind and hail, reminding me of Arizona. Here's the view of Sulma's street from her living room window. The tree out front is a ficus.
It was in the high-90s and humid most days, so we worked in their outdoor eating area a few times. Here is Sulma serving mates: