Saturday, March 15, 2008

House Guests

I had the immense privilege of having my first house guests last night! Three of the ten who were at the meeting these past two days were returning to Paraguay this morning, and although the retreat center where the meeting was held is closer to the airport, it is more difficult to get to. So, they went to the Luis Palau Festival last night which was held on the "widest avenue in the world" (or the widest in Latin America, depending on who's measuring) in the center of Buenos Aires, and then came to my apartment.

This morning they prayed a blessing over breakfast and over my ministry, shared scripture with me, and then prayed again for me and my ministry. I am so grateful for the ways of God -- we can move beyond gratitude to blessing and fellowship and prayer and unity. Amazing.

While waiting for the taxi to the airport, Walter said: "Pray for a love for the people. What kept Jesus going all the way to the cross was his love, and this will keep you going in difficult times." Walter knows from difficult, having received death threats for his work in Paraguay.