Monday, September 17, 2007


Wow -- I was praying today and I am beginning to realize how beautiful this new chapter in my life is. I was thinking about my responsibilities these past few weeks: to learn, encourage, pray, establish relationships here and grow in my current relationships. In the future I will also need to discern possibilities for new areas of ministry and follow them. This new chapter has so much of the unknown, including adapting to a new culture (several new sub-cultures, really), finding an apartment, figuring out how to travel here, and more. However, I feel like the past 20 years have prepared me for this time -- living in Italy for a year (which on the surface feels similar to this culture), learning Spanish, having a variety of jobs in and out of ministry, moving to a different state every few years, etc.

My friend Erin gave me a CD as she dropped me off at the airport earlier this month, and the first song is ¨Amazing Love¨ by the Newsboys. The chorus is:

Amazing love, how can it be that you, my king, should die for me?
Amazing love, I know it´s true that´s it´s my joy to honor you.
Truly, this life is full of wonder.