Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Buzz Words

Geographically, I moved 2100 miles (3380 kilometers) last week.

Spiritually, lots is still happening in Argentina right now. I'm not sure what I can say while things are still in progress, so I'll keep this posting general. I was reading some information being gone through at a church in Argentina, and saw the following words:
  • Holistic
  • Commitment to those who are poor and marginalized
  • Long-term solutions
  • Local ownership and initiative
  • Participatory learning
  • Multiplication and movement
  • Servant leadership
  • Contextualization
My friend Eva calls these buzz words, and told me about the game "buzz word bingo" which can liven up staff meetings. She mentioned that to me once when I used a few too many of those words in one conversation. But they can actually be useful: on the document that I saw there was a paragraph to describe each word, and they are central concepts to the work of LifeWind. If, for example, all do not embrace a holistic strategy, ministry can quickly become focused solely in one area.