Monday, January 28, 2008

Jet lag

I made it to Argentina! Everything went very well with the travel and with my new apartment. I will have more later,hopefully tomorrow -- excuse is below.

I've never gotten jet lag before. I've always said it was because my sleep schedule was so variable, easily varying by four hours even when I'm not traveling. However, the last three weeks in the States I went to bed at two or three am (seven am-ish Argentine time). Not enough to set a pattern, you say? Well, except for the first night of utter exhaustion, I've not been able to go to sleep before two or three am Argentine time. I'm not taking a siesta yet (again, except for the first day of utter exhaustion) , so it can't be that. We'll see tonight, I'm fading fast!

Fun fact: kitchen timers are not frequently used in Argentina. I have asked around and I've been told that people look at their watches or use 3-minute hourglasses. How do people remember? Are they not multitasking? Are they just used to it?