Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Very good day

My last day in Minnesota was so much fun (a week ago Sunday). I had coffee with my dear friend Mark, who drove in from Chicago (in part) because it was my last weekend in the upper Midwest. Here we are the day before, going on a walk with my family:
Then I had breakfast with Libby, her two children Gibbie and Ezra, and our friend Pat. Here they are looking like a zany take on American Gothic:
After a lovely Epiphany service and bunches of socializing, Mark, Paul and Libby got to talk. I love it when my friends from different eras of my life get to know each other. We talked about community, since Mark is involved with Mennonites in Chicago and Paul and Libby live in an intentional community in the inner city of St. Paul. They also prayed for me -- very nice.

I then went to pick up Jenny and her youngest daughter Kate at the airport. We went to a tea shop for a couple of hours. (This photo is from the night before.)
After dropping Jenny and Kate at the airport I stopped by Teri's and she and her daughter and I went out for Thai food. Here's Teri that day with her dog Dexter.
Then I stopped by Libby's folks' house for some singing and more praying. Here are Libby's parents, Doug and Myra, whom I've know longer than I've known Libby -- they had Mark and me over for lunch after church in about 1990, as part of a take-pity-on-poor-college-students outreach!
After that I went up to J and Cassie's to drop something off. Sadly, I have no pictures of them since all of the ones taken at their house are on Cassie's camera. J called out his boys to pray over me. They have been reading a lot about missionaries lately. J prayed, and then their oldest boy, Patrick (12?) prayed that I might know the wisdom of God and trust God. Wes (7?) prayed that I would not get sick while taking care of people ("She's a doctor, right, Dad?") and that God would help the sick people to not die and for people to become healthy. Ike (5) said that he did not know what to pray. His Dad said to just pray from the heart. He prayed that many people would become Christians through me.

Then I drove back to my aunt's and packed while we she and I talked. A good end to a good three weeks.